Dec 1, 2016
What is it?
Our country is struggling with the system of "Presidency" which has been busy for the agenda for the past year and the economy is contested. We have been asked to make foreign currency entry to our country from abroad for our customer abroad, and the dollar that has been initiated has not been successful and the point reached has been in the level of US $ 3,46.
Hal such as T.C. The prime minister said, "Do not worry, we will soon be a distinguished president and we will sit in his place instead!" These guys can be called and most of these words come convincingly. Even if the system is pronounced, what a negative result. But the leaders who can not see it, after 1 hour and 20 minutes of the meeting, the government and the opposition party reconciled and the parliament will be presented at the week. While there is a President who is not hesitant to support the party - already one of the compromise talkers - It is planned to introduce a Turkish-style presidential system, although the existing parliamentary system is protected. We prefer to build up somebody's ambition, I hope that we will have those days when we hope to have a nation.
Do not do it sir please do not be a little human be careful not to attract what this nation has come to these days. Perhaps you have not heard that day, but we have no right to live again and again with future generations.
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